Coaching Program

Do you feel stuck and unable to shift old patterns and behaviors?

Have you ever over reacted in frustration, anger or heartache because you are re-living the same old stories again and again?

Do you feel like there is something within yourself that is holding you back from creating and living the life you desire?

If you are seriously ready to explore the root causes of anything holding you back and truly desire to free yourself from the chains of unwanted recurring patterns in your life then Jamie’s Evolutionary Revolutionary Coaching Program is designed specifically for you.

Evolutionary Revolutionary is a step-by-step Intuitive Success Coaching Program that teaches you how to connect to and express your inner rebel that screams, “Enough!” while at the same time giving you the tools and language to compassionately change your world and remove judgment around the conscious changes you are about to make in your life.

Subscribing to this loving six month coaching program will teach you how to:

  • Identify and disrupt patterns that are holding you back from living your best life.
  • Create new foundational behaviors and a clear step-by-step plan that supports your success.
  • Compassionately share and change your world with this newly expanded version of you.

As your Intuitive Success Coach Jamie promises:

  • To partner with you on your path to remembering your wholeness and celebrate your self-discovery.
  • Connect with your Guides, read energy, and listen deeply to the wisdom of your soul.
  • Co-create solutions and strategies to unlock your full potential.

This customized program consists of 9, two-hour sessions spread out over a 6-month period. Access to video or in person is required for these sessions. 

Receive 50% off your first session today!


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Give to yourself and join like-minded individuals, who are overcoming fear and building trust in themselves by taking their life by the horns and shattering limiting patterns and beliefs. Build confidence and trust in yourself while creating new revolutionary patterns, gathering tools, and finding YOUR tribe in the process. Sign up today and impact your future now!

Register Now!

Welcome to this intimate, experiential workshop.

You were called here for a reason.

You are ready to look into the mirror of your soul and face your deepest truths, your deepest desires, your fears, and shatter the patterns that have kept you stuck in the status quo.

YES, you are ready to deepen your self-awareness, activitate the power of your subconscious mind, and evolve your intuition so that you can make decision from a place of empowerment.

It is called a "workshop" for a reason. There will be hands on experiences and you will do your WORK.


This workshop is designed to help you find your edge and lean into it. Not so far past it that you live in fear, but far enough that you stretch and grow.

Through the Evolutionary Revolutionary® process you will not only recognize your true nature, but evolutionize your intuitive powers and create life alterning awarenesses that will revolutionize every aspect of your well-being... relationships, health, finances, career, life purpose, and more.

You will learn, experience, and grow in a fun, safe, and inspiring environment with like-minded individuals building your community and finding support through whatever you may be facing.

Workshop details: Friday, May 19th- Saturday May 20th.

Speaking Engagements

"Times they are a changing", some changes are made consciously and some changes are beyond our control. These changes are bringing more and more individuals into a place of spiritual, psychological, and physical awakenings.

Some individuals are choosing to consciously make a change by saying, "I have had enough of THIS in my life." while others are being forced to surrender to a change beyond their control. Some people are completely abandoning their old identities and are in search of new ones.

They are left wondering where they fit in, what comes next, or what meaning and value they have in their current circumstances. A whole new world is opening up to them, and they have a desire to do it differently than before.

Do you want to consciously create change in your life?

Do you want to break free of self limiting patterns that hold you back from living your best life?

Do you need practical and spiritual tools to assist with the integration of mind, body, and spirit awakenings?

Join Professional Psychic and Creator of Evolutionary Revolutionary, Jamie Dawn as she offers insights and tools for conscious, empowered, everyday living in a ever changing world.

The mission of Richmond MindBodySpirit is to build a Wholistic Community that is accessible to both beginners and the adept to nourish and promote personal and spiritual growth. We provide a platform to explore healthy living, alternative and energy healing, the paranormal, metaphysical, and more.

Saturday, March 11, 11:44-4:44, at 1007 Peachtree Blvd.

  • Evolutionary Revolutionary- Compassionate Rebellion for Conscious Change: Publish date: March 2017
  • Evolutionary Revolutionary Adult Coloring Workbook. Publish date: March 2017